Acme Brick Pinterest Boards

While Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Twitter have garnered the most attention from media analysts and technology reporters, Pinterest has quietly and efficiently become hugely influential with the people who count most — social media users. In certain categories, such as home design and remodeling, this platform has become a must-have “research” tool for many who are planning home design projects, both large and small.
What This Means for You — Understanding and leveraging the “crowdsourcing” advantage of Pinterest can help homeowners better communicate their preferences with their architects, designers, and building contractors. The ideas are almost limitless, and the price is right: It’s free.

When you’re ready to remodel a room or entire house, update your interior design, or take that outdoor entertainment space to a new level, the best place to start is on the Acme Brick Pinterest page.

Get on Board with Pinterest

According to Infront Webworks, “Pinterest is a social network that allows users to visually share and discover new interests by posting (known as ‘pinning’) images or videos to their own or others’ ‘boards,’ which is a collection of ‘pins,’ usually with a common theme, and browsing what other users have pinned.
“Using a visual orientation, the social network is very much focused on the concept of a person’s lifestyle, allowing you to share your tastes and interests with others and discovering those of like-minded people. People can either upload an image from their computer or pin things they find on the web using the Pinterest bookmarklet.”  
These days, every social platform has a mantra, and Pinterest is no exception. Theirs is simple and direct: 
“Connect Everyone in the World Through the Things They Find Interesting.”

Of course, “everyone in the world” is a lot of people. However, hyperbole aside, the platform is making headway on its plan for world domination! According to the Pinterest website, as of July 2022, the platform had about 433 million monthly active users, making it the 15th most “active” social media platform worldwide, according to digital research firm, Kepios. It is also the fourth most popular social media site in the United States. 
For homeowners planning a remodeling project, this is sweet music indeed. Why? “Crowdsourcing” improves exponentially with a bigger crowd. Getting a plan for tapping into all this “wisdom” (or at least “opinions”) is a critical consideration.

Acme Brick Pinterest Board category 

A Step-By-Step Pinterest Plan

Step One: Sign Up

Simply visit, fill out the necessary information, and click “Sign Up.” Wouldn’t it be great if that new bedroom closet or kitchen cabinet could be started this easily? You can sign up with your email address or an existing Facebook account.

Step Two: Create a “board” or multiple boards for the project.

A Pinterest board is ground zero for managing a remodeling project. Ideas and images for these boards can come from anywhere. Websites such as Acme Brick have thousands of stories about construction, home design trends, trends in home renovations, outdoor entertainment spaces, and even highly specialized tips such as designing a home for multiple generations and which remodeling projects can offer the best ROI. Plus, this website has a large collection of product brochures and catalogs that are perfect for cutting and pasting on a Pinterest project board.

Step Three: Search Pinterest for your project.

One of the many great things about this platform and this step is that a homeowner can be as general or specific as she or he wants to be. For example, this can range from “tile flooring for the kitchen” to “antibacterial tile for the bathroom floor.” With so many people pinning products and ideas on this platform, the odds are very favorable that many others will be thinking about some of the same things as you.

Acme Brick Pinterest Post on Wood Siding

Step Four: Use the Pinterest icon to pin other design sites.

Home design and remodeling are multi-billion-dollar categories, and there are hundreds of websites that are designed to be Pinterest-friendly. A simple Google search for room - or project-specific topics will yield results for thousands of websites. If they are Pinterest-enabled, the process of saving the image for one’s remodeling board is as simple as one click.

Step Five: Get inspiration from other companies or people.

According to this remodeling contractor site, “If you find a pin you like and click on it, the next Pinterest page with additional information includes the name or company of who initially created the pin. You will find this directly under the ‘Comment’ section. You can see all they have pinned if you click on the person’s or company’s name. If their products or ideas complement your dream remodel, click on that board, select the three dots next to the board name, and ‘Follow.’”

Step Six: Share a board with a friend, architect, or contractor.

The ability to share images and ideas with friends who might have great insights about the project or professionals who might be hired to complete the work on the project, such as architects, designers, or contractors, is a valuable resource offered by Pinterest. This “visual” platform allows anyone to SHOW rather than just TELL those who might be completing the project.

Pin Your Hopes and Dreams on This 

From conception to completion of a remodeling project, Pinterest can serve as an inspirational clearinghouse. With its broad, worldwide audience and easy technology, new ideas are just a pin away. It’s also a lot of fun! 

Inspiration for any remodeling project is just a few clicks away on the Acme Brick Pinterest board, the vast archive of blog articles found on the homepage of, and the product catalogs found here.